Monday, October 1, 2012

what is concept art?

concept art is the blue print for the desired style of game play you perceive whilst playing the manufactures the game art makes your feel scared, panicked or at ease.  it is also the foundation of what the characters surroundings and play levels will appear to look it be a rainy life infested jungle or a desolate desert were your flying atop a rug over many miles. Then the artist takes into consideration what specific time period the characters are supposed to be in, weather its 1000 years into the future or back some decades ago in the Victorian days. they also take in to consideration why the main character is special, what makes them special. how they became special. the type of setting that the character is going to be places in  base d around his special he is the shining king of a city or a rebelling slave. how he got to  where he is presently. the characters past. every detail that would shape a normal human being or animal (or object for that matter) is taken into consideration when creating the concept art.

concept art that is used in videogames is used to illustrate ideas for people to work off of to create more characters and eventually the setting of gameplay. concept artists will soon after be hired who will design the game environments, characters, buildings or even machines to give the other artists a solid foundation to start work from and add thier own idea to. the concept artist then creates the first template of how something should look and in such a way that it portrays the feeling and style of the world the character is in or came from initially. if there weren't any concept artists working on the project the other artists would have to work off of description alone and with many artists working on something that hasn't been visually mapped out for them they'd all have their own personal styles added to the creation and all the styles wouldn't mesh together properly. as some characters would look like two completely different games blended together. 

       concept art with manufactured products (concept design artists) starts out with a team of designers who think up an initial idea for the product. wether is be a car, a cup,a plate , a lamp or even an inovitave inhouse speaker system. a blueprint is created. from there the Product development teams must then sell the brand new product concepts to senior management teams. who are set with the task of determining whether to add new resources to the product or to change it completely . At this stage, product ideas are evaluated to consider whether existing , working resources are available to meet the manufacturing needs and productions needs for the new product. Product ideas are also evaluated to see if they are up to the companies standards, their goals and objectives,  their marketing directions and financial requirements.

         movies from what ive gathered from various pictures of concept art for movies the kind of concept art used for movies is  a lot more illustrious as its usually to used to enhance the dramatic effect of the scene being acted out. conce[t art for movies is used the same way as games is for characters except when its to be used for a scene it usually displays the area of action in the photo really well. for example the clous on the beach were illuminated by the moons light, the cat in the alley has fog circling around is as the moonlight guilds its path. 

production design concept art is used in product designs to create the product.before the concept design is even in process, extensive market research is generally performed to ensure that new product concepts are consistent with customer needs and thier desires. This includes conducting quality and quantity studies that test ideas with customers. It also includes closely evaluating similar competitor products. Suppliers are also an important source of information in making decisions about product design elements such as materials available and how that ties in with the aesthetics.

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